On-Campus Housing

Safety Guidelines

After a Natural Disaster | Candles and Incense | Earthquake Procedures | Fire Lanes (North Wymount) | Fire Safety | Firearms

After a Natural Disaster

As part of the Emergency Response Program, Brigham Young University has an emergency response plan that will be implemented in the event of an earthquake or other natural disaster. This program involves all appropriate campus departments, BYU wards and stakes, and supporting off-campus agencies. However, the success or failure of BYU's emergency response plan also depends on the actions of individuals like you. The following information will help you avoid injury and help BYU to return to normal operating procedures following a disaster in the shortest possible amount of time:

Candles and Incense

Residents may not burn candles or incense due to potential fire hazards and smoke damage. An alternative to candles and incense are electric candle warmers. This melts the wax so that you have the scent, but there is no flame. Electric candle warmers should never be left unattended, and extreme caution should always be used.

Earthquake Procedures

Most casualties from an earthquake result from falling objects caused by partial building collapses, weakened masonry, broken light fixtures, and flying glass. Other sources of injury are overturned bookcases, fire from broken gas and power lines, and accidents caused by people panicking. The following are helpful procedures:

Fire Lanes (North Wymount Terrace)

Residents may use the fire lane for loading and unloading while moving. A permit from the Wymount Terrace office is required for fire lane use. Access to the fire lane is reserved for emergency vehicles and, therefore, arrangements for use of the fire lane at other times must be made by contacting the Community Aide for that area and setting up a time with them to use the fire lane. Fire lanes are not to be used for unloading groceries or parking.

Fire Safety

To prevent fires in Student Family Housing, please observe the following safety guidelines:


Guns and other weapons, such as large knives, bows and arrows, swords (including decorative weapons), and paint guns are not allowed on campus. Any firearms, pellet guns, BB and paint guns, wrist rockets, slingshots, and other similar items, as well as ammunition, cannot be stored in the apartment. Violators will be referred to the University Police and Honor Code Office (https://policy.byu.edu/view/index.php?p=26), and their rental agreement will be jeopardized.